Sunday, October 10, 2010


Sorry if listing bothers you but I don't feel like doing it in paragraph form, but I'll explain why in paragraph form.

I'll start off by listing how my parents wanted me to prioritize my life:
  1. School
  2. Family
  3. Everything else

I somewhat agree with this model but I choose to do something else:
  1. Family
  2. Friends
  3. School
  4. Myself
  5. Everything Else

The reason why my parents wanted me to live that way is because they didn't go to college and regret not being able to do so. I developed my list because I didn't agree with how they wanted me to organize me life. I decided my family meant everything to me because they raised me and they developed part of who I am today and that is why family is first. The reasons why my friends are second and not listed after school is because I can drop out of school and still have people that care about me and will help me out, but if I choose to leave my friends behind and concentrate on school then who will want to hang out with me when I'm done with school, and have nothing else to do either than work. School is 3rd because my family really stressed on me that education is important and I want to be able to have a good job to be able to support a family after I graduate. I consider my fraternity duties a combination of 2 and 3 that’s why I don't have a separate number for it. Then finally get to myself because I raised myself to think of others before I think of what I want. Raising myself sounds sort of weird, but I revolved my life around helping others and school before myself. But I will have to take care of necessities like showering, buying food, eating, etc. (things to live) when needed. Then everything else goes next based on priorities.

Values can be seen of how you live your life, and that’s why I did above but values can also be read of what morals/principles you have. So my morals/principles will be in list form again, but these are not in any specific order:
  1. Try to never hurt a female physically or mentally on purpose
    • Unless she is attacking me, then restraining is ok.
  2. Help people when possible
    • Even Strangers
  3. Every day I should better myself or someone else, if not both
    • If neither is complete, then it was a waste of a day
      • Sad day if that happens...
  4. Treat others how I want to be treated
    • Self explanatory
  5. Don't judge people based off first impression
    • The first impression might not be their true selves.
  6. Live Honestly
    • It's easier to live truthfully instead of a lie because if you lie your whole life it, then your life is going to be a lie. 
Live Honestly


    1. Tran, you never cease to inspire me with not only your words, but your actions. I know I may not show it sometimes but being around you often times makes me rethink my potential actions and affects how I view certain things in the greek community.

    2. Mike, I like how you showed that your prioriteis and values may be the same as your parents but that how you feel baout them differs. I feel the same way, that sometimes my parents push school to be my biggest priority but without friends and family i dont think any of us could get through school. This post was really inspiring!

    3. Very well put Tran. Your values are a reflection of you, and you cannot have them listed for you by other people. I could not agree more that it is a blended reflection of ones principles and morals as well as prioritized feelings. Values come from the heart not the mind, and I think you emphasize that very well.

    4. i love all of this! it's good to see that you can separate your values from what your parents want... it should be that way for everyone since they are so personal, but it's unfortunate that probably not everyone is able to do that. and the last list of your 6 morals/principles are awesome, too.
